PIPIDS OF THE WORLD: Pipidae Distribution Database

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Pipa aspera

  1. Guyana: Mabura Hill Forest Reserve, P1 (05°09'12''N, 58°41'52''W) — "primary forest site 1 [Mixed forest on gravelly clay laterite (Leptosols) hill slope, low lying segment touching Maiko creek], Mabura Hill Forest Reserve, Guyana", Ernst et al., 2002-11 - 2004-09, [1].
  2. Guyana: Mabura Hill Forest Reserve, P2 (05°09'15''N, 58°41'48''W) — "primary forest site 2 [Mixed forest on gravelly clay laterite (Leptosols) hill slope, low lying segment touching Maiko creek], Mabura Hill Forest Reserve, Guyana", Ernst et al., 2002-11 - 2004-09, [1].
  3. Guyana: Mabura Hill Forest Reserve, P7 (05°09'27''N, 58°41'54''W) — "primary forest site 7 [Riverine floodplain forest on alluvial soils connecting with Maiko creek, transcending in well-drained mixed forest on brown sand (ferralic Arenosols) hill slope], Mabura Hill Forest Reserve, Guyana", Ernst et al., 2002-11 - 2004-09, [1].
  4. Guyane Française: Antécume Pata (03°17'N, 54°04'W) — "stagnant pond close to the river in Amerindian insular village of Antecume Pata, in the high Maroni, French Guiana", P. Gaucher, , [2] — "stagnant pond close to the river in Amerindian insular village of Antecume Pata, in the high Maroni, French Guiana", Beier & Massemin, 2009-09-23 - 26, 21 spms: 18 adults + 3 juveniles [3].
  5. Guyane Française: Mitaraka, mts. (02°16'N, 54°31'W) — "little pool with very stagnant and black water in the middle of a riverside boulder on inselberg called Mitaraka in the very south of French Guiana, at the junction of Brasil, Suriname and French Guiana", P. Gaucher, , 1 spm [2].
  6. Guyane Française: Montagnes de la Trinité (04°36'N, 53°24'W) — "Monts Trinité, Guyane française", Jean Lescure, Philippe Cerdan, 1990-11-19, 4 spms [4].
  7. Guyane Française: Reserve Naturelle de la Trinité (04°36'58''N, 53°24'33''W) — "Reserve Naturelle de la Trinité, Montagnes de la Trinité, Roche Bénitier, 460 m, French Guinana", David Massemin, 1999-06, 19 spms: KU 289222-24, 289390-92 + 13 observed spms. [5].
  8. Guyane Française: Saint-Eugène (04°51'N, 53°04'W) — "petite crique se jetant dans la Courcibo, Guyane Française", Jean Lescure, Philippe Cerdan, 1994-05-10, 1 spm [4, 6] — "dans un piège à pot, même secteur [petite crique se jetant dans la Courcibo], Guyane Française", Jean-Christophe de Massary, 1997-05, 1 spm [4, 6].
  9. Guyane Française: Saint-Laurent-Apatou road (05°20'50''N, 54°06'20''W) — "small pools in forest near Saint Laurent-Apatou-road", David Massemin, 2009-03 -, [7].
  10. Suriname: Albina (05°30'00''N, 54°03'00''W) — "Albina, Unterlauf des Maroni, Surinam", , , 1 spm: ZSM 19/1923 (holotype, m, 40 mm, destroyed) [8, 9].
  11. Suriname: Mazaroni Top (04°56'00''N, 55°13'00''W) — "Browns Berg Nature Park (near Mazaroni Top), Brokopondo District, 430 m, Surinam", Charles J. Cole, , 1 spm: AMNH 107864 (neotype, f, 45 mm) [9, 5].
  12. Suriname: Midden Coppename (04°12'54.1''N, 56°34'53.8''W) — "Creek above falls in Midden Coppename, Suriname", 2004-03-02 - 03, , 2 spms: water 29 µS, pH 5.5, DO 4.9 mg/L [10].


  1. Ernst, Raffael, Mark-Oliver Rödel & Deokie Arjoon (2005): On the cutting edge - The anuran fauna of the Mabura Hill Forest Reserve, Central Guyana. - Salamandra, 41(4): 179-194.
  2. Massemin, David, Dominique Bordage & Kriton Kunz (2007): Report on the occurrence of Pipa snethlageae (Anura: Pipidae) in French Guiana, with notes on its natural history. - Salamandra, 43(3): 139-147.
  3. personal observation
  4. Lescure, Jean, Philippe Cerdan, Jean-Christophe de Massary & Christian Marty (1998): Découverte d'un Amphibian très rare, Pipa aspera Müller (Anura: Pipidae), en Guyane française. - Revue française d'Aquariologie, 25(1-2): 45-46.
  5. Trueb, Linda & David Massemin (2001): The osteology and relationships of Pipa aspera (Amphibia: Anura: Pipidae), with notes on its natural history in French Guiana. - Amphibia-Reptilia, 22: 33-54.
  6. Lescure, Jean & Christian Marty (2000): Atlas des Amphibiens de Guyane. - Patrimoines Naturels, Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris, 45: 388 pp.
  7. Massemin, pers. comm.
  8. Müller, Lorenz (1924): Neue oder seltene Reptilien und Batrachier der Zoologischen Sammlung des bayerischen Staates. - Zoologischer Anzeiger, 58: 291-297 (291-294).
  9. Trueb, Linda & David C. Cannatella (1986): Sytematics, morphology, and phylogeny of genus Pipa (Anura: Pipidae). - Herpetologica, 42(4): 412-449.
  10. Alonso, Leeanne E. & Haydi J. Berrenstein (2006): A Rapid Biological Assessment of the Aquatic Ecosystems of the Coppename River Basin, Suriname. - Leeanne E. Alonso & Haydi J. Berrenstein (Ed.): , Conservation International, Washington, DC, 39.